The 96th Highlanders are excited to announce that, starting fall 2024, the lesson fees for new members will be waived.
The Fergus Scottish Festival in Ontario welcomed the Highlanders on August 11th and 12th. Our band took part in the opening ceremonies and stayed to participate in the Pipes & Drums competition, emerging with a strong 6th place finish.

TeleMiracle 2023
The 96th Highlanders were proud to support TeleMiracle 47 with a donation and this performance….
“Ceud mile failte” … a hundred thousand welcomes …
Does the sound of bagpipes stir the cockles of your heart?

The 96th Highlanders Pipes and Drums youth band is a non-profit organization whose objective is to preserve and promote appreciation of Celtic heritage through Highland piping and drumming.
The band plays at Remembrance Day services, Folkfest, the Festival of Trees, the Sundog Hand Craft Faire, Robbie Burns Day events, benefits and sporting events, walks for causes, local and regional parades, and several other venues. The band also competes each year in Highland competitions in Regina and Winnipeg. Highlights of past performances include a trip to Scotland where the band competed in games at Perth, North Berwick, and the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow. Most recently, in May 2019, the band travelled to compete in the Victoria Highland Games in Victoria, BC.
The band always welcomes new members and no experience is necessary!
Please contact us if you’re interested in joining!